
    Youth comes whe

    the day is

    ot he

    e a

    d the


    Moss flowe

    s such as

    ice **all also lea


    y ope


    ot fo

    the tea


    Maybe it's that stupid kid


    s a

    d st

    eams make mou



    The flowe

    s will bloom whe

    the wi

    d blows


    eam is a guidepost to light up fo


    All the da


    ess is laid out fo

    the light

    The futu

    e has ope

    ed fo


    ave child


    You a

    e a



    al pa

    t of the puzzle

    The wo

    ld is a futu

    e of pu

    e white d


    Name colo

    s afte


    Youth comes whe

    the day is

    ot he

    e a

    d the


    Moss flowe

    s such as

    ice **all also lea


    y ope

    Wild goose voice is still you

    g dialogue



    d i

    the wi

    d wa

    m hea



    y with moss by lia

    g ju

    雁声依旧在 年少时对白

    耳边音犹在 如风暖心怀

    I e



    al sto

    溪流汇成海 梦站成山脉

    风一来 花自然会盛开

    梦是指路牌 为你亮起来

    ded my fi

    st i

    白日不到处 青春恰自来

    苔花如米小 也学牡丹开



    你是拼图 不可缺的那一块

    世界是纯白 涂满梦的未来

    用你的名字 命名色彩

    所有黑暗 为天亮铺排

    未来已打开 勇敢的小孩

    我用苔 结束我的第一本励志故事,是梁俊改写的

    白日不到处 青春恰自来

    苔花如米小 也学牡丹开

阅读自力更生12上班最新章节 请关注完美小说网(www.umixs.info)

